Thursday, April 5, 2012

decided on my final photos

I was a little unhappy with my photos because it wasnt what i originally invisioned. These 12 photos are the ones that i feel are the strongest and express my idea the most. I did them in order based on where i am (Hood River) and where i want to be (large city).


  1. I like your use of contrast. All your pictures are really clear.

  2. I think all of your pictures are great! They're really clear and just plain gorgeous! I might think of changing the order of your pictures, maybe switching them from best to "worst"... if there even is a worst! Maybe moving the 3rd picture closer to the end, it's not my favorite but it's still great! Overall, you did a fantastic job, I really like all of them!

  3. Your photos are wonderful! They're very clear and express your concentration well. Your contrast is very strong and striking. Not sure if it was on purpose, but a strong vertical line in almost every photo (whether from windows, lamp-posts, etc.) really ties things together! It's great!

  4. I love, absolutely love, all the angles and lines in your photos. It adds power and it draws my eyes in to follow all the lines and angles. Your 5th photo (the one with the street lamp and street sign "Davis") is a bit too symmetrical. Could you retake it and make it not so nice? Add a little weird jazz and spice in it, 'cause I know you can!

  5. I love love love your concentration. Your photos are absolutely terrific. The one with the man on stilts and the little girl is absolutely fantastic! These hotos are gorgeous! Great job! :)

  6. I think you have some very interesting photos, and you have good angles and space in them. I think you could increase the contrast in some of your last few images though.

  7. All these black and white pictures are amazing! I like the different angles and my favorite one is the one with the tall guy and little girl.

  8. Not sure if it was intentional or not, but i really like how you didn;t incorporate an excessive amount of people into your photos. I think that would have been distractive from the theme. Excellent contrast and clarity! Nicely done :)

  9. I really like all the pictures you have taken especially the 8th. The fact that you made them all black and white ties them all together and makes it so there isn't so much business in them so it was a very smart call. Great job.

  10. I love your idea so much! It's unique and suits your personality so well. The photos are both beautiful and complex with the variety of focal points amd angles.

  11. I love how all your pictures are black and white. It creates great unity. My favorite picture is of the guy in stilts and the little girl. It looks great.

  12. I love the old timey feel of this series. The contrast is really effective. Well done.

  13. Your concentration is great. The black and white images really highlight the spaces youve chosen to photograph. The last picture is particularly amazing the way that cloud is drifting by that building and the patterns in it, also the clarity of the lampost. really good work.

  14. I love how all your pictures are so clear! not a single one is blurry. Great Job! I got to admit my favorite one out of all of them was the las one, but they are all great.
